Monday, September 12, 2011

History of Indonesia (6)


Abendanon publishes R. A. Kartini's letters with the title "Door Duisternis Tot Licht".
Newspaper al-Munir begins publishing in Padang.
Bubonic plague outbreak on Java.
  Throughout history, the bubonic plague had never before spread to Java. Tens of thousands died of the plague in 1911-1913, and it was twenty-five years before the disease was eradicated from Java again, after extensive campaigns against rats.


September 10 Sarekat Dagang Islamiyah changes name to Sarekat Islam under Tjokroaminoto. Indische Partij is founded by Setiabudi (Douwes Dekker), Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo and Ki Hajar Dewantoro. All three are exiled within a year.
Portuguese suppress revolt in East Timor.
November 18 Kyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan founds Muhammadiyah in Yogya.
Dutch send another military expedition to the Tanimbar Islands.

Kyai Haji Ahmad Dahlan, founder of Muhammadiyah. The Muhammadiyah remains one of the large, respected Islamic organizations in Indonesia today. It has been known for its "modernist" Islamic viewpoint.